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I'd like to add an occupant. What should I do?

To add a new occupant, please send us the following information:

• a scanned copy or a photo of the new occupant’s photo ID
• the new occupant’s name
• the new occupant's date of birth
• the new occupant's relationship to tenant
• if the new occupant has a vulnerability
• the tenant's name
• the tenant's address

Acceptable ID's for people under the age of 16:

• passport
• full birth certificate

Acceptable ID's for people aged 16 and over:

• passport
• driving licence

You can email this information to or by using your online account.

You can hand in a copy of these documents at our West Ham Lane or Cray House office, Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

You can also hand them in at your local L&Q office. 

You’ll need to make an appointment, so the right person is there when you come. Simply contact our customer service centre to arrange an appointment.

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