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How can I save on my energy bills?

Below are some simple tips to save energy:

• Seal gaps around windows and doors to prevent drafts
• Use energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances
• Turn off lights and appliances when not in use
• Wash clothes with a full load and at lower temperatures
• Set your water heater to 60°C or lower
• Set your heating between 18°C and 21°C during the winter

Many energy companies offer additional support. This assistance can include affordable payment plans, energy efficiency advice, access to grants for home insulation, and specialised tariffs designed to lower energy bills.

Here's a list of energy suppliers who offer grants to their customers:

British Gas Energy Support Fund - apply for a grant on the British Gas Energy Trust website

Scottish Power Hardship Fund - apply for a grant on the Scottish Power Hardship Fund website

Ovo Energy Fund - apply for a grant on the Ovo Energy Fund website

E.ON Energy Fund - apply for a grant on the E.ON Energy Fund website

E.ON Next Energy Fund - apply for a grant on the E.ON Next Energy Fund website

EDF Energy Customer Support Fund - sign up to the priority services register to apply for a grant on the EDF Energy website

Bulb Energy Fund - apply for a grant on the Bulb Energy Fund website

Octopus ‘Octo Assist Fund’ - apply for a grant on the Octopus website

If you can't get a grant from the supplier, you may be able to get a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust. These grants are available to anyone - you don’t have to be a British Gas customer to be eligible. 

British Gas Energy Support Fund - apply for a grant on the British Gas Energy Trust website

For more advice if you’re having trouble paying your bills, please contact Pound Advice, our free, confidential and impartial advice service to help with budgeting, debt and benefits.

Please contact them on 0203 475 2221.

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