L&Q Group | Leading Housing Association & Residential Developer

How can I prepare my home for the winter months?

As the colder months approach, it’s important to prepare your home for winter. You can do this by:

Checking your thermostat

A thermostat should sense the temperature in your room and allow you to choose a room temperature which suits you.

A faulty thermostat can cause your room to be too hot or too cold. This is because it will not send a signal to the valve that allows the radiators/heaters to heat up or cannot sense the temperature in the room correctly.

To make sure your thermostat is working correctly:

• Turn your heating on and check that it turns off at your selected temperature (a comfortable temperature is usually around 18-21°C).

• If the digital screen on your thermostat is blank, it might be powered by batteries. Check the batteries and replace them if necessary.

Test your appliances

Test all your gas and electric appliances to ensure they're working efficiently. Do not wait until winter when you need them the most.

To check your appliances just turn them on for a short time. You do not need to use them for long – just turn them on for long enough for your radiators/heaters to warm up to your chosen temperature.

Have your boiler serviced

If you have not had your boiler serviced in the last 10 months, contact us to book an appointment as soon as possible.

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