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I have a problem with my windows. What should I do?

If you're experiencing a problem with your windows, please be aware that we do not carry out all types of repairs. You are responsible for:

• replacing lost window keys
• buying and installing curtains
• tightening and re-attaching casement window stays
• blown double glazing units – except where they cannot be seen through
• buying and installing draught excluders
• re-glazing cracked or smashed windows if you do not have a crime reference number

We will repair:

• insecure windows
• insecure window locks
• rotten window frames and sills
• sash window cords, weights, fasteners and lifts
• hinges, locks, stays, handles and other fittings
• window restrictors for all 2nd floor flats and above
• cracked or smashed windows
• windows that need re-glazing if you have a crime reference number

Please report any of these issues online or by contacting our customer service centre.

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