L&Q Group | Leading Housing Association & Residential Developer

Which local services are available should I need support with a family members mental health?

The Counselling and Family Centre 

Counselling and support groups across Trafford, supporting children from 5 years old and adults of any age. 

Call: 0161 941 7754

Email: appintments@thecfc.org.uk


Trafford Parents Forum

Supporting parents and children with SEND

Call: 0161 941 7754

Email: appintments@thecfc.org.uk


Calm Connections  

Supporting families to have calm, positive relationships

Call 07919848558  

Email: info@calmconnections.org 

Website: www.calmconnections.or


Beyond Barriers

A community-focused trauma and wellbeing service using psychology, yoga, nutrition and peer support.

Call 07944 691821

Email: contact@beyondbarriers.uk

Website: https://www.beyondbarriers.uk/



Community mental health and wellbeing services in Broomwood, Old Trafford, Coppice Library and Partington Library.

Website: https://bluesci.org.uk/


Age UK

Mental Health support for those over the age of 50 who live or are registered with a GP in Trafford.

Call: 0161 746 9754

Email: admin@ageuktrafford.org.uk

Website: www.ageuk.org/trafford


For other local support and information services near you, you can search:

If your mental health is impacting your ability to manage your home, please get in touch with our customer service centre

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