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What will L&Q do if I’m the victim/witness of antisocial behaviour?

When you report antisocial behaviour, we will ask you questions about what, when and where it happened and by who.

The information you give us will be treated confidentially. We won’t tell anyone else that you came forward as a victim or witness unless we have your permission.

We will use this information to decide how quickly we carry out an assessment and whether the matter is personal, environmental or a nuisance.

You will be contacted regularly and kept informed about progress.

If the incident involves violence, threats of violence or a hate crime, we will give it a priority 1 status and carry out an assessment within one working day.

All other incidents will be given a priority 2 status and we will carry out an assessment within three working days.

At the end of the assessment, we will ask you to agree an action plan. This is a written document that summarises the action we will take and how you will be supported.

We will close your case when the action plan is complete or if no further action is needed or is possible.

If you are having difficulty coping or need extra support, we will put you in touch with services that can help. Please see where else you can get support for antisocial behaviour.

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